Siemens Enterprise Communications delivers on a new vision for enterprise communication

At Online Communications we strongly believe that for communication solutions to deliver value for Enterprise they need to deliver much more than reduced telephony costs.

At Online Communications we strongly believe that for communication solutions to deliver value for Enterprise they need to deliver much more than reduced telephony costs.

It is this philosophy that has underpinned our long term relationship with our communications partner, Siemens Enterprise Communications.

Our combined approach has always been to focus on the value we can deliver by understanding your enterprise business goals and business processes.

Once this has been achieved, we are then in a position to provide a unified communication platform that can foster improved collaboration, flexible communication and enriched customer and/or client engagement.

With that in mind we are excited to reveal that Siemens Enterprise Communications has publicly announced a next generation communication platform to worldwide acclaim, codenamed Project Ansible.

More importantly, this fully realizes our mantra of “anywhere, anytime communication and collaboration™” for the Enterprise, their employees, partners and customers.

The rise of the decentralized workplace with remote locations, virtual teams and customers requiring almost 24/7 access means Enterprises require the flexibility to use the tools they want, when they want and how they want to communicate and/or collaborate.

Employees, customers, partners or clients now have the choice of multiple devices from any location at any time;

  • Desk phone, smart phone, tablet, laptop, desktop PC

The user can also choose in their terms ,how and how often they communicate;

  • Voice, text, video, web chat, social media channels

The New Communication frontier from Siemens Enterprise Communications

Project Ansible is the result of over 2 years of research and development with over 1500 selected Enterprise clients to analyse and understand the new decentralized workplace and the displacement of traditional working boundaries to design, develop and deliver a communication platform for the 21st Century.

This new communication solution will provide the tools to integrate your business processes, Office, CRM and ERP applications to improve collaboration and conversations like no other solution available today between employees, customers and partners.

Call Online Communications today to help you evaluate Siemens Project Ansible and the benefits it can bring to your organisation.